Perth - Perth Amateur Cycling Club
St Catherines Place : PH1 5XA
Perth - Perth Amateur Cycling Club : Map credit National Library of Scotland The opening of the new cinder track at Perth was reported in the local Evening Telegraph of April 16th 1886 "The Perth Amateur Cycling Club have fixed Saturday, the 8th May, for the opening of their cinder track at their new grounds, St Catherine's Place. The track is 8 laps to the miles, is of a D shape, and is very suitable for cycling races." The track was laid down by Messrs Taylor contractors of Perth and was 20 to 30 feet wide and the corners were ‘well banked up'. There was a ‘commodious dressing room 12ft by 24ft and the track was surrounded by strong wood paling.

The opening meeting went well, but ‘the attendance of the public did not come up to expectations.' The bicycle races were; 1 and 2 miles open handicap, 1 and 2 miles club handicap and a 2 miles tricycle handicap race.

The opening year at the track was busy and evening race meetings were put on. In August, the 3rd Annual Scottish Central Cyclists' Meet was held, with 150 cyclists riding in formation from County Buildings to the track, led by a band. There was a race meeting with six bicycle races, watched by a crowd of 1,000 people.

Racing at St Catherine's Place continued in 1887 and the club promoted a 2 day track meeting with local events on the first day and open events on the second. The 4th Annual Scottish Central Cyclists' Meet was again held at Perth, with a very successful race meeting following it.

On August 31st 1887, Perth Amateur Cycling Club held a track meeting ‘with the view of raising funds for the formation of the new cinder track.' The club had obviously decided to move and began examining the cost of moving to a new venue. The remodelling of Perth station in the 1880's over the site of the track, probably forced the move. The track was last used for bicycle racing in 1887.

St Catherine's Place was developed by the Caledonian Railway for Perth North Goods Station. The railway lines were removed in 1989 and the land built on. The site of the old cinder track is now St Catherine's retail park in the area around St Catherine's Road.

Refs     : [487] [p]
Maps    : National Library of Scotland